Fiction "Our Paths" 6

Chapter Six

(Blake taps Andrew and wakes him up)

Blake: You have been sleeping for hours get up we'll be late for class.

Andrew: Fuck off, there's still time.

Blake: Class starts in 30minutes....

Andrew: Wait are you serious(heads over and checks the clock and sees its actually 7:30) fuck why didn't u wake me up earlier?? (He hurries and heads for the bathroom).

Blake: I tried but I didn't know you took martial arts class, you almost took out my tooth.

Andrew:(Hurries out and starts to dress) Martial arts!!!, naaa that's my instincts you know I had a gay roommate when I was still doing my pre degree and whenever I tried sleeping he would try to touch me, that's when my body(he makes a karate pose while wearing his trousers) developed an anti-gay system to fight potential intruders(he turns to Blake) you ain't gay right???

Blake: Me!!! gay dude your still drunk....

Andrew: Oh yeah shouldn't have asked that after you and Bianca hooked up(he leans over and looks at Blake 😼😼) still I find it odd you decided to date her.

Blake: (😞😞) why do you say so???

Andrew: Well I heard that she's a loose canon not minding she's my friend tho, I don't judge for instance I accepted you as a roommate.

Blake: Yeah she does have her own concept of freedom but wait a minute would do you mean by "accepted me as a roommate" 😐😐.

Andrew: Forget it, just be careful around her, her dad is the vice chancellor of the school you know so she's not someone you mess with.

Blake: Am not bothered about that I couldn't give a fuck if her dad's the president of American.

Andrew:(looks at his watch) What the, we are late we only got five minutes.

(They head off to class and arrive few minutes before the lecturer as Blake heads towards the back seat he sees John and Rose sitting in the front he focuses his eyes on Rose as he climbs the stairs leading to the back sit John says hi but he completely ignores him and heads up)

John: Seems like he is back to his normal arrogant behaviour.

Rose: Yeah!

John: But it was nice seeing him laugh and smile yesterday he hardly does that at home.

Rose: Guess so, hey John why are you always putting up with Blake's attitude you should put him in his place, not replying him will make him look down on you.

John: Well I do talk back sometimes, but its more manly to just let it slide not replying him doesn't make me a fool it just avoids unnecessary dispute in the end Blake doesn't have anything against me just our parents precisely our dad.

Rose: If you put it like that, but still I don't like the way he treats us like we are nothing or worthless(she looks at her self and frowns) I just don't like it.

John: It's best to over look all this things no one is perfect we should just focus on the fact that he is who he is and we are who we are that's it, you don't have to force anyone to like you just be you as long as it is what makes you happy.

Rose:(Smiles at john) Do you think he'll be angry you told me why he's always grumpy???

John: Naaaa well maybe(he sweats a little) just don't ever mention it to him else I might loose an eye hehehe...

(40 minutes into the lecture Andrew gets bored and taps Blake)

Andrew: Hey Blake.

Blake: Yeah man what is it.

Andrew: You didn't tell me how your first time with Bianca was like....

Blake: A gentleman doesn't talk about such.

Andrew:(mtcheeeew) Mennnn Bianca and her perfect boobs..

Blake: Huh perfect whatttt, hey Andrew you have known Bianca for a while right, have you two ever ................

Andrew:(leans over and raises his left brow at Blake) ever what.......

Blake: You know you just want me to say it, have you ever fucked Bianca??????

Andrew: Hehehe well nope, yeah we kissed once but that was a long time ago.

(Just as they were talking they hear an old yet strong voice directed at them say, hey you stand up, it was the logic prof. Mr. Kennedy he was referring to Blake, everyone turned at Blake as he came down stairs to meet Mr. Kennedy, Rose couldn't help notice Blake's emotionless attitude he didn't have any plan of apologizing).......

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